Our Motivation

The Team have often been asked what motivates us to do what we do here at the farm, and for us Newbrook has always been so much more than just earning a living. It was never what this venture was about for us and never will be.

We are here to make a difference to animals and people’s lives, and that is exactly what we are doing and thankfully very successfully. The benefit of this success and hard work helps to fund the work the Team are so passionate about doing in the community. In only a few short years we have helped to raise over forty thousand pounds for both local and national charities something we are incredibly proud of.

It is a total privilege for the Team to be in a position where we are able to get involved and help support our local community in anyway we can. To hear and receive such incredible feedback from so many people is truly humbling, especially when we get to do what we love to do day in and day out.

The Team keep every review, Photograph, letter, picture and cards and hope to one day soon display them on the walls of our education centre as a reminder of what can be achieved when people work together for their ​community.